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Group Members
Yu-Chiao Liang, 梁禹喬 (PI)
Assistant Professor
I am an assistant professor at the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University.
My research interests include the causes and consequences of polar amplification, sea-ice variability, and climate dynamics and modeling. Recently, I start exploring the applications of deep learning on studying climate variability.
I am helping organize PAMIP online webinar series (here).
I obtained my Ph.D at UC-Irvine with Dr Jin-Yi Yu, and was working as a postdoc at WHOI and LDEO.

Current Members
Yih Wang, 王逸 (master): Stratosphere-troposphere dynamical interactions
Shih-Ni Zhou, 周詩倪 (master): The asymmetry of Arctic amplification; deep learning
Siou-Min Tsao, 曹秀閩 (master): Sea-ice variability in large-ensemble simulations
Ya-Fan Chung, 鍾雅帆 (undergraduate): Arctic amplification in an ocean model hierarchy
Ai-Yun Lee, 李艾耘 (undergraduate): polar amplification in idealized models
Ying-Hsiu Yen, 葉盈秀 (undergraduate): polar amplification in idealized models
Chih-Yen Tsai, 蔡知諺 (undergraduate): deep learning and climate variability
Group Alumni
Yi-Jhen Zeng, 曾怡甄 (master) - now at BaseTech CO. LTD. (倍勢科技股份有限公司)
You-Ting Wu, 吳宥廷 - now a graduate student at Columbia University
Man-Ning Chiu, 邱曼甯 - now a civic servant at Civil Aeronautics Administration, Taiwan
Yen-Chi Wu, 吳彥祺 (master): now at Wan Hai Lines LTD (萬海航運股份有限公司)
Minerva University Visiting Students
Henrike Grimm, 2022
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